Thursday, June 3, 2010

I in my role as a parent

I like knowing that my job as a parent is to prepare a platform for my child to proceed from.

I like knowing that my child has the capacity, ability and capability to deal with the
great variety of information that is coming forward than I did.

I like knowing that my child came to leap from the platform that I, as the parent prepared and I am excited to know that his leap will be beyond anything that I have ever known or experienced.

I like knowing that All is well with my child in this environment and therefore I release and let go of all my worries, fears and concerns. He is in good hands. And so it is.

Adopted from --- Abraham Hicks - Excerpt from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on Saturday, February 27th, 1999 #395

All Is Well

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Parenting in the Vortex on face book

Here is the link to parenting the Abraham Hicks way!/group.php?gid=100729623309636

Enjoy and have fun with this.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

My son's true independence

My son's true independence is his seeking guidance from the Source within him and not guidance from other people, including me.

According to Abe "True Independence means alignment with source. Alignment with source means rendezvousing with everything he wants. Independence does not mean he is singularly going it alone. His true Independence is his getting into vibrational alignment with who he really his, with all he has become and with all the resources of Source and the energy that creates worlds - It is his being a co-operative component to powerful co-creation."

I don't know how I now see him in alignment with who he really is, I just know I now do and I am really fascinated by it all.
I don't know how he makes time to align to source within, I just know he does and he is fulfilled.
I don't know how I model and teach him the independence of disregarding the opinions of others or what others think and the conclusions others reach, I just know that I do and I feel exhilarated.

I like that I now see him as being in alignment with who he really is
I love seeing his determination to align to source within him
I enjoy seeing him easily disregarding the conclusions of others and coming to his own conclusion after aligning with Source Energy.
I am exhilarated to see him going into alignment with who he really is and all that he has become and with all the resources of Source and the Energy that creates worlds.
I like that he is a co-operative co-creation with his Source and so it is.

I am also pleased that I have given up the need to worry about him and fear for him
I am exhilarated that from inside the vortex I now know that all is well with him and he is in good hands.
I like that I am now more relaxed, content, at ease as I am more in the Vortex myself with regards to him. It feels so good. And so it is. Thank you!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Focusing on pleasurable things about my son

Today I walked my son to school and I enjoyed the passion and excitement he was exuding as he was describing to me, the machine he was building/creating in a game (Little Big Planet). He couldn't wait to get home to continue to work on it. As I thought about it, He was actually putting into practice what Abraham Hicks talks about. Here he was on his way to school and already looking forward to a joyful event in the future and was exhilarated and excited and feeling good about it. I could see that he was in the Vortex. He could not stop joyfully talking about this incredible machine, what it was capable of doing, the different parts is has and how his friend was going to be amazed once he was done with it. It was exhilarating to be in the company of a passionate and excited creator. I liked it because he was talking about what he was doing and why he was doing it and was not concerned about the how. From the way he was talking I could sense that there were no obstacles in his way to stop him from his creation. He was confident that it is great and it was going to be even greater once he was done working on it and that it was going to do great things. I am glad i got to experience his passionate side and I am looking forward to experiencing some more and so be it.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Telling a new story about my child

I don't know how, I now give my child a conscious understanding of how
  • Powerful
  • Important
  • Valuable
  • Perfect
he is, every time I interact with him, I just know I do it now without thinking and I feel satisfied.

I don't know how every word that is now coming out of my mouth, is empowering my child, I just know that it does and I feel satisfied and amazed.

I don't know how I easily and effortlessly and consistently set the tone of upliftment for my child, I just know I now do it easily and I feel satisfied, exhilarated, excited and joyful in it.

I don't know how I now help my child know with every word that comes out of my mouth, how powerful he is, I only know I do it easily and on a consistent basis and I am satisfied.

I don't know how I now have a relationship with my son that comes from an internal space of satisfaction and celebration of his power, importance, value and perfection, I only know that I have it now and I feel satisfied, exhilarated and amazed.

I don't know how I am now thinking of him, seeing him and treating him as powerful, important, valuable and perfect, I only know I do it so easily and effortlessly and it fascinates me all the time and it feels good to me, to him and to others. And it is.

My child's Positive Aspects

I like that my child does not hold grudges
I like that he is pure of heart
I like that he is eager to move from thing to thing to explore
I like that he does not tend to think things over and over
I like that he spends less time trying to figure things out
I like that he has less habit of negative thought

Friday, April 2, 2010

My Child's Inner Being

I like knowing that my child has his own Inner Being and thus his own guidance.
I like knowing that his Inner Being calls him towards independence, guidance, resources and support system of Source.
I like that I am helping him empower himself, by helping him seek his own guidance and not mine.
I like that I trust his Inner Being to guide him to follow his own path which he knows.
I like knowing that Well Being is his because I know who he is.
I like that he is tuned in, tapped in and turned on, I like knowing that he is divinely, guided and protected and that all things, circumstances, events, situations and people always work together for his expansion.
I like knowing that it is not my child's job to make me feel good.
It is my inside job. My feeling good is about my alignment and not his behavior.
He does not have to change his behavior for me to feel good.
I have to feel good regardless of his behavior.
So I release the need to make him responsible for the way I feel.
I release and let go of my need to worry, to fear and to fret because all is indeed well with him. And so it is.

Setting the Tone for Upliftment - Giving thought to what is wanted only

As a parent I intend to give my child a conscious understanding of how
  • Powerful
  • Important
  • Valuable
  • Perfect
he is.

Wouldn't it be nice if every word that comes out of my mouth is that of empowerment.
Wouldn't it be nice if I could easily and effortlessly and consistently set the tone of upliftment.
I am now looking forward to helping my child know with every word that comes out of
my mouth, how powerful he is.

Isn't it a lovely thing that my child is powerful
Isn't it a lovely thing that my child is important
Isn't it a lovely things that my child is valuable
Isn't it a lovely thing that my child is perfect and becoming.

I like knowing that my child even though he is small (physically) he is actually powerful, important, valuable and perfect.

I am looking forward to thinking of him, seeing him and treating him as powerful, important, valuable and perfect. And so be it.

Even though he is powerful, important, valuable and perfect all is well with him. I like knowing that all things, situations, people, events, circumstances work together for his highest good and expansion. He has guidance within him and so he is divinely guided and protected. Because of that I now release and let go of all my worries, fears and concerns, for he is indeed in good hands and so it is. Thank you.

Abraham Hicks says:

Setting the Tone

"Relative to our children or any children with whom we would interact, our one
dominant intention would be to give them a conscious understanding of how powerful and
important and valuable and perfect they are. Every word that would come out of
our mouths would be a word that would be offered with the desire to help this
individual know that they are powerful. It would be a word of empowerment. We would set the Tone for upliftment and understand that everything will gravitate to that Tone if we
would maintain it consistently."

Excerpted from a workshop in Chicago, IL on Saturday, July 19th, 1997

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Being the Greatest Value for your child

Abe Says: "The child is thinking, and receiving vibrational thought from you on the day that he enters your environment. That is the reason that beliefs are transmitted so easily from parent to child, from parent to child, from parent to child. The child is vibrationally receiving your fears, your beliefs, even without your spoken word... If you want to do that which is of greatest value for your child, give thought only to that which you want, and your child will receive only those wanted thoughts". --- Abraham Excerpted from "The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham" #385

My notes: So my child vibrationally receives from me - even without my spoken word...
  • my fears
  • my beliefs
Since I have not been aware of this,

I am now willing and open to be of greatest value to my child by:-
  • giving thoughts only to that which I want for my child to receive
  • aligning myself to what I now know about who my child really is (his true nature) and why he is here.
My child is non-physical being in a physical body
  • He is here to create a joyful life experience for himself
  • He is a creator
  • He is good
  • He is love
  • He is important
  • He has guidance within him which he has to align with
  • He has value
  • He is free
  • All is well with him
  • All the experiences that he is going through or he will ever go through are just a jumping off place to a new creation.
Because of my new knowledge about him I as his parent do not need whatsoever to worry, fear and be negatively concerned about him. I can love him and not worry about him and so I can. I can love him and stand in a place of knowing that all is indeed well with him no matter what.