Sunday, April 11, 2010

My son's true independence

My son's true independence is his seeking guidance from the Source within him and not guidance from other people, including me.

According to Abe "True Independence means alignment with source. Alignment with source means rendezvousing with everything he wants. Independence does not mean he is singularly going it alone. His true Independence is his getting into vibrational alignment with who he really his, with all he has become and with all the resources of Source and the energy that creates worlds - It is his being a co-operative component to powerful co-creation."

I don't know how I now see him in alignment with who he really is, I just know I now do and I am really fascinated by it all.
I don't know how he makes time to align to source within, I just know he does and he is fulfilled.
I don't know how I model and teach him the independence of disregarding the opinions of others or what others think and the conclusions others reach, I just know that I do and I feel exhilarated.

I like that I now see him as being in alignment with who he really is
I love seeing his determination to align to source within him
I enjoy seeing him easily disregarding the conclusions of others and coming to his own conclusion after aligning with Source Energy.
I am exhilarated to see him going into alignment with who he really is and all that he has become and with all the resources of Source and the Energy that creates worlds.
I like that he is a co-operative co-creation with his Source and so it is.

I am also pleased that I have given up the need to worry about him and fear for him
I am exhilarated that from inside the vortex I now know that all is well with him and he is in good hands.
I like that I am now more relaxed, content, at ease as I am more in the Vortex myself with regards to him. It feels so good. And so it is. Thank you!