Thursday, April 1, 2010

Being the Greatest Value for your child

Abe Says: "The child is thinking, and receiving vibrational thought from you on the day that he enters your environment. That is the reason that beliefs are transmitted so easily from parent to child, from parent to child, from parent to child. The child is vibrationally receiving your fears, your beliefs, even without your spoken word... If you want to do that which is of greatest value for your child, give thought only to that which you want, and your child will receive only those wanted thoughts". --- Abraham Excerpted from "The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham" #385

My notes: So my child vibrationally receives from me - even without my spoken word...
  • my fears
  • my beliefs
Since I have not been aware of this,

I am now willing and open to be of greatest value to my child by:-
  • giving thoughts only to that which I want for my child to receive
  • aligning myself to what I now know about who my child really is (his true nature) and why he is here.
My child is non-physical being in a physical body
  • He is here to create a joyful life experience for himself
  • He is a creator
  • He is good
  • He is love
  • He is important
  • He has guidance within him which he has to align with
  • He has value
  • He is free
  • All is well with him
  • All the experiences that he is going through or he will ever go through are just a jumping off place to a new creation.
Because of my new knowledge about him I as his parent do not need whatsoever to worry, fear and be negatively concerned about him. I can love him and not worry about him and so I can. I can love him and stand in a place of knowing that all is indeed well with him no matter what.